Before I begin my message, I will start with a prayer to my God, the God of the Universe, the God acknowledged, praised and worshiped by my ancestors. The ones in whom He chose to reveal himself. MY PRAYER FOR ALL HUMANKIND. PRAYER FOR ALL THE EARTH. Heavenly Father, God of the Universe, and of all Mankind, and of all the Angelic host throughout the cosmos and the heavens, throughout all time and space, and beyond, I start by giving you absolute and complete THANKS FOR EVERYTHING You have blessed me with, from my beginning, until now, and for future blessings not yet realized. Thank You for the very essence of life contained within me. Thank you for the community of friends, and family, and others who have come into my life, bringing purpose, and meaning, lessons, and instruction, or warnings, blessings, protection, or messages from You. Thank You for all Your care and love and patience with me. Thank You for Your mercy You have extended to me time and time again, even though I didn't and still don't deserve it. Thank You for Your infinite grace, and loving kindness and compassion You have extended to me and blessed me with. Thank You for Your near infinite forgiveness for my so many sins I have committed against You and my fellow man, and my many shortcomings, and imperfections. Thank You for all Your protection You have provided me from my enemies, and from the ultimate enemy himself, Satan (Ha Satan), and his Demon Angel followers, who wish for the complete destruction of all of humanity, and anything that is created by Your hand and who wish to completely subjugate us human beings (your handiwork and creation), and even You, my Lord and God, if that were possible. Your mighty power has kept me safe, and I am absolutely confident that no evil, no enemy of yours, my God, God of the Universe, can or ever will be able to muster a power great enough to topple your eternal throne in the Heavens. Thank you for showing me your power of protection, and for keeping my enemies at bay, and for putting my enemies to shame, who have defied you, and also have tried to maim me, or take my life, or to silence me, and my admonishments and warnings and my prayers, or my hopeful words and dreams for a greater and more wonderful, and awesome future for mankind, one filled with LOVE, and JOY, freedom, and WONDERMENT, and AWE at your GREAT, MAGNIFICENT POWER, AND MIGHT, and the BEAUTY and GREATNESS of the HANDIWORK of Your CREATION. I am truly THANKFUL, AND FULLY AND COMPLETELY GRATEFUL, BEYOND ALL WORDS, FOR YOUR UNDESERVED LOVE, CARE, COMPASSION, BLESSINGS, GRACE, PROTECTIONS, AND HEALING POWER. THANK YOU LORD GOD, MY GOD, THE GOD OF ALL THE UNIVERSE. THANK YOU! Thank You for all the education and enrichment You have blessed me with over the span of my entire life, until now, and continuing. Thank You for giving of Your very essence, and giving of Your very life, in order to shepherd and guide my ancestors through their lives, through to the present, and continuing, ongoing... I am witness to Your MAGNIFICENT INCREDIBLE POWER, GREATNESS, WONDER, MIGHT, AND AWESOMENESS. I am witness to your INCREDIBLE LOVE AND DEVOTION to us, humanity, your loved ones, your children, your creation. I am OVER-AWED at Your MAGNIFICENT POWER, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, WONDER AND GREATNESS. You have only given me subtle hints of Your POWER and WONDER, yet I can extrapolate from these what is still remaining hidden behind the VEIL, that is keeping us separated from seeing the totality of your True Face. For You have blessed me with intelligence enough to know that "where there is smoke, there is fire". AND YOURS IS TRULY A CONSUMING AND AWESOME FIRE! Metaphorically, of course. Sometimes, even literally! I LONG to see You FACE TO FACE, Your true and complete face my LORD and GOD. I LONG to know more and more about You, my God, my Heavenly Father, and Creator. I long to have all the mysteries and questions in my mind and in my heart quenched and fulfilled with deeper revelations of Your truth, and meaning. To more fully understand the mysteries of our Human Nature, and of the Nature of the Cosmos, the Heavens at large, and beyond, of Time and Space, and Matter, and Energy, and whatever else there is, that is knowable... To become acquainted with our Heavenly Angelic Neighbors who have been for so long, silent, and in hiding from humanity. (except of course with the rare exception, throughout the history of Mankind) Of course only the ones who are loyal and faithful to you, Oh My Lord and God. May the Demon Hordes, those Angelic Host who chose to rebel, with their leader Satan - Ha Satan, be forever kept at bay, under shackles, and barred from our presence, if not outright defeated and destroyed for all time. I pray for a revival of Morality and Goodness, among humanity... I pray for a revival of overt acknowledgement of You, my Lord and God, God of the Universe, God of the Heavens, and God of the Earth, for all Time, Past, Present, and Future to Come. Forever. I pray for Revival of Knowledge of Your word and instruction throughout all Humanity from least to greatest. I pray for Love to triumph over Greed, Iniquity, and Evil, Heartlessness, Cruelty, and Savagery. I pray Lord, my God, for a return to Acknowledgement of Your Name and Character. I pray that Mankind would return to practicing and living according to your Heavenly Character, Ascribing to a Higher purpose and meaning, than brute savage instinctual animal impulses. I pray, oh Lord, my God... that you will fix this increasingly broken world of humanity, social, economic, political, and most importantly spiritual. I pray, Lord God, my God, God of the Universe of all Time, and Space, and Beyond, for Renaissance, of Culture, Morality, Cultural Sophistication, Higher Learning, The Arts, Music, the Humanities, the Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, and in every field of Human Endeavor that is possible. I pray for Renaissance and Revival of all that is good, and great, and wonderful in Humanity to reawaken. Revive us OH MY GOD, GOD OF THE UNIVERSE... FIX OUR BROKENNESS, HEAL OUR AFFLICTIONS, SOCIAL, PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SPIRITUAL... HEAL US, AND RENEW US, FIX OUR BROKENNESS, OH LORD GOD, GOD OF ALL TIME AND SPACE, GOD OF ALL THE UNIVERSE. FIX US, HEAL US, STRENGTHEN US, LEAD US, SHOW US THE WAY, OH GREAT, AND POWERFUL, AWESOME AND WONDERFUL, LORD GOD, GOD OF OUR ANCESTORS BEFORE US. Lead us out of our present misery, into a new and great age, for Human kind. Show us how Oh Lord, God. I BEG YOU... I PLEAD WITH YOU... HEAL US, FIX US, REPAIR US, BIND US BACK UP. BRING US BACK TO YOU... LORD GOD, GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. I PRAY THIS ON BEHALF OF ALL OF HUMANITY ON EARTH ALIVE TODAY, AND FOR THE FUTURES OF THOSE NOT YET BORN. FOREVER AND ETERNITY... PLEASE DO NOT ABANDON US... BUT BRING US BACK TO YOU... I COME TO YOU IN COMPLETE AND TOTAL SUBMISSION TO YOUR WILL, AND YOUR WAY, AND YOUR LAW OF LOVE. AMEN. ================================= The world of mankind is spiraling towards chaos, confusion, and perhaps great violence, upheaval and war. DO NOT BE AFRAID. PUT YOUR TRUST AND FAITH IN THE LIVING EXTRATERRESTRIAL GOD who hand created our ancestors... He will KEEP YOU AND PROTECT YOU. Just turn towards Him in submission ("Islam" means submission to God in the Arabic language). Respect God and his authority and his supernatural / extraterrestrial heavenly POWER. Try to follow His moral law of LOVE. (The Christian Gospel message) Respect and Fear God's awesome power. Show God your love and reverence / respect. Love and care for your fellow man / "neighbor" just as you love and care for yourself. Do nothing out of anger, hate, or revenge. This is sin. Forgive others their sins and crimes against you. Forgive even your enemies who may hate you. Love even your enemies. If you can follow those instructions from our extraterrestrial heavenly God, He will SHOW HIS GREAT LOVE AND COMPASSION FOR YOU... Heavenly protection, mercy, blessings, and grace... forgiving your own faults, flaws, sins, and crimes... if you have any in your past. Our extraterrestrial heavenly God is the MOST POWERFUL being in the Universe! He does have extraterrestrial enemies, who hate Him, and who hate us, His hand-made creation... We call them fallen angels, or demons. They are REAL. Their leader fallen angel is called Hasatan, or Satan (literally means "The Enemy" in ancient Hebrew language)... Also referred to as "the devil". Our God also has extraterrestrial ANGEL followers under His command. They work for our God... to carry out His will and master plan for us humans and for the universe as a whole. God has the ability to hear our private thoughts and feelings... even without us speaking aloud. Pray to Him... talk to Him. Tell Him your concerns... Be humble, and follow His law of LOVE... Love, reverence and respect for God. Love for all your fellow mankind, including your enemies who hate you, and have wronged you. Then God will promote you, protect you, bless you... and will have compassion and mercy on you! ================================= I HAVE A DREAM! (TOO) I have a dream. I have a GREAT DREAM... And I have been praying for God to let this dream become reality. Not a selfish dream, but a dream for all humanity, worldwide... Revival of God culture, cultural renaissance, a flourishing of warmth, love, kindness, compassion, empathy, JOY, brotherhood, equality, fraternity, LIBERTY, from the bondage of cruel oppression and tyranny in any form it may rear its ugly head and become manifest in the world. I HAVE A DREAM... OF AN ENTIRE EARTH OF MANKIND ON FIRE FOR GOD. FOR GOD'S WILL. FOR GOD'S GREAT PLAN AND WILL FOR HUMANITY! I have a dream that one day, all mankind will live in an unrivaled time of GREAT PEACE AND PROSPERITY the likes of which has never been known in all of human history! Filled with WONDER, AWE, AND GOD'S GREAT MAJESTY! That mankind's eyes would be opened, and our hearts would be completely filled with wholesomeness, from God's great store of riches and grace. That in His mercy He will gather His straying and erring, disobedient and sinful children back to Himself, and back together in unity and Godly love and repentance, contrition. A softening and warming of the heart, and an unsearing and softening of the conscience, so it will be natural to know right from wrong, moral from immoral once again... and that evil and violence, selfishness and hatred, cruelty, savagery, tyranny and oppression would be kept forever in check. I HAVE A DREAM... PEACE AND PROSPERITY, LOVE AND BROTHERHOOD, LIBERTY FROM ALL OPPRESSION, TYRANNY AND CRUEL BONDAGE. FOR CULTURAL RENAISSANCE, A FLOURISHING OF THE ARTS, HUMANITIES, SCIENCES, MEDICINE, ENGINEERING, POETRY, PHILOSOPHY, LITERATURE, MUSIC, THE PERFORMING ARTS, AND STUDY AND PRACTICE OF GOD'S LAW OF LOVE, AND HIS HOLY WORD AND SCRIPTURES... TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH... ...AND FOREVER! FOR AS LONG AS HEAVENLY FATHER GOD ALLOWS US THE PLEASURE OF RECEIVING AND ENJOYING SUCH AN AWESOME AND INCREDIBLE, GLORIOUS AND MAGNIFICENT GIFT OUT OF THE VAST TREASURY OF HIS GRACE. AMEN. I HAVE A DREAM. LIBERTY, FRATERNITY, EQUALITY, PROSPERITY, GREAT LASTING PEACE, LOVE, HAPPINESS, WHOLESOMENESS, RENAISSANCE! E PLURIBUS UNUM. SPES MEA EN DEO EST. ---------------------------------- written by Robert Brock Lynn on January 28th, 2019 Republished on June 28, 2022.